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Our church exists to multiply disciples and churches with Jesus! And Jesus Himself told us to “go and make disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit….” Baptism is part of our mission. It’s a big part of who we are and what we do! Jesus was baptized Himself, and the Bible repeatedly tells followers of Jesus to be baptized. It’s a privilege and a command.

So what is baptism all about?

Baptism symbolizes us dying to ourselves and our sin and rising again to Jesus (Romans 6:3-5)! It is a powerful picture and experience where we identify with Jesus publicly, and He affirms us (Mark 1:9-11). Any baptism is also a fun family celebration for our church (1 Corinthians 12:13). Finally, baptism is an essential step of obedience to Jesus. We want to hear and obey his teachings when we become His follower. One of his teachings was to be baptized (Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 2:38)!

It’s also important to know what baptism is NOT.

Baptism is not necessary for salvation. The only thing required for salvation is faith in Jesus Christ. Baptism is an important expression and picture of that faith, but it does not make us a Christian. You might think of it as a wedding ring. A wedding ring doesn’t make someone married; it shows they are married. But a wedding ring is still significant for that reason – to show you are married and committed to the one you love!

Baptism is also not for perfect or super Christians. Sometimes we think we have to know enough facts or do enough good deeds before getting baptized. Sometimes we think we need to get our act together or get stuff in order. But the Bible teaches that baptism is really the FIRST step of following Jesus, not the 2nd or 20th. Baptism is a way we honor and obey Jesus from the beginning, even while we’re still figuring this all out. When someone has faith in Christ, pure and simple, they can and should be baptized (Acts 5:35-38).

When Should I Be Baptized?

Honestly, if you are a Christian, there is NO reason to delay! And if you are not yet a Christian, we can talk more about Jesus, his teaching, and what He has done for you. Faith in Jesus happens first; then the very next thing is baptism as an expression of that faith in Jesus (Acts 8:12).

HOW Should I Be Baptized?

Honestly, if you are a Christian, there is NO reason to delay! And if you are not yet a Christian, we can talk more about Jesus, his teaching, and what He has done for you. Faith in Jesus happens first; then the very next thing is baptism as an expression of that faith in Jesus (Acts 8:12).

What Is My Next Step?

That’s a great question! The next step is to fill out the form by clicking the button below as a way for us to get to know you and hear your story. Then we will get in touch with you and take it from there!


There are all kinds of different memberships in our culture. Sometimes membership means a free burrito after buying ten or free 2-day shipping if you pay an annual fee. But in Jesus' church, we believe membership flows out of a relationship. Citylight Council Bluffs Church isn't an organization to affiliate with but a family to belong to!

The Bible teaches that we are members of one another in a church. We are family members connected to Christ and committed to each other. Among Citylight Council Bluffs, we affirm and honor this Bible teaching by regularly inviting attendees to become members in a highly relational, step-by-step process! The steps to becoming a member are:

  1. Attend a Membership Class. This class gets into the nuts and bolts of membership. What is it, and why does it matter?

  2. Share your story (using the form below) and meet with a pastor. This is part of our effort to keep the process-relational. We want to know the people in our church family, hear their stories, and celebrate what God is doing in their lives!

  3. Be commissioned. A few times each year, we bring up new members on a Sunday, celebrate their commitment, and pray for them. No speaking required.

One of the steps to becoming a member is simply clicking the button below to tell us your story! We'd be glad to answer any further questions as well!

Upcoming Membership Classes

No events at the moment


Jesus said He came to serve and not be served (Matthew 20:28).

As we multiply disciples of Jesus we celebrate serving others! What an amazing way to reflect on Jesus! As a church family, there are many Serving Teams to join, including the following:


Citylight Kids

These teams are always growing!  Volunteers can serve once or twice per month and always in teams. Application process and background check required.


Citylight Students

Dozens of teenagers meet each week to eat together, worship Jesus and connect in small groups. If you have the heart to see teenagers growing as disciples of Jesus, we’d love to talk. Volunteers serve each week and are always in teams. Application process and background check required.



Serve our church by saying hi, holding the door, and welcoming people with a smile! Volunteers serve once or twice per month and with a team.



A great way to meet people while practically serving. This team facilitates coffee and donuts each week. Volunteers serve once or twice per month and in teams.



For those who are focused and have basic experience with computer programs! This is a great team to join for those who want to serve behind the scenes. Volunteers serve once per month for both gatherings, usually from about 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM.



We’re thankful for a group of servants who count it a joy to serve by watching and protecting. Volunteers serve once or twice per month and in teams. Background check required.



A great way to serve if you have experience mixing and running sound and are willing to learn from our current leaders. Volunteers serve twice per month for both gatherings, from about 8:00 AM - 12:30 PM.



Each Sunday our church is led by Jesus-loving servants to worship Jesus together. Whether you sing or play an instrument, we’d be glad to talk and hear more of your heart. Volunteers serve occasionally based on need and availability. Application process required.

Citylight Council Bluffs

2109 Railroad Highway, Council Bluffs, IA 51503



In-Person Gatherings @ 9:00 & 11:00 AM

Live Stream @ 9:00 AM | Watch Live!

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